※ 執筆時点の情報

Virtual Machine Processor (CPU) Memory (RAM) Storage (SSD) OS (YAML workflow label) Notes
Linux 2 7 GB 14 GB ubuntu-latest, ubuntu-22.04, ubuntu-20.04 The ubuntu-latest label currently uses the Ubuntu 22.04 runner image.
Windows 2 7 GB 14 GB windows-latest, windows-2022, windows-2019 The windows-latest label currently uses the Windows 2022 runner image.
macOS 3 14 GB 14 GB macos-latest, macos-12, macos-11 The macos-latest workflow label currently uses the macOS 12 runner image.
macOS 4 14 GB 14 GB macos-13 [Beta] N/A

About GitHub-hosted runners - GitHub Docs

Add macOS-13 to dotfiles

macOS環境 で CI build を回している我がdotfilesでも macOS-13 をbuild matrix に追加しておいた。

ci: Add macOS-13 to build matrix by toshimaru · Pull Request #295 · toshimaru/dotfiles